
This is the HuPBA research group webpage. HupBA is a multidisciplinary research group in deep learning focused on a broad range of computer vision problems led by Sergio Escalera. Recently, HuPBA has also started to research geometrical and topological methods for deep learning theory and applications.

We are located in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Barcelona and in the Computer Vision Center, UAB.


Head of the group:

Sergio Escalera

Senior members:

Meysam Madadi

Albert Clapés
Julio C. S. Jacques
Xavier Baró
Cristina Palmero

PhD Students

Sorina Smeureanu
Zejian Zhang
Rubén Ballester

Hunor Laczko

German Barquero

David Pujol
Yudong Yan

Artur Xarles

Iñaki Erregue

Guillem Martínez

Johnny Núñez

Michal Choinski

Former members

Marc Oliu
Hugo Bertiche
Javier Selva

Manuel Lecha